Thursday, March 6, 2008

Pat a cake

Amber has been playing pat a cake with her mum and it's been really cute to see her interact more and play games. She also loves to play peek a boo with dad peering behind the couch. The squeals that come out of such a small little girl are precious.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Houston, we have lift off!!!

Amber took her first steps without holding on to anything last weekend and has since been making steady progress in pivoting, stepping around, and is gaining confidence. She's not really walking by herself as of yet, but she can take 5 good steps and keep her balance before falling into Mum or Dadda's arms. Unfortunately, this past weekend she misstepped and before we could grab her, she smacked her forehead on a window sill. Poor girl! We felt so bad for her...she didn't know what hit her. She's okay and only has a modest bruise to show for it...nothing that Mum's kiss can't take care of.